Performance calendar
We are currently in a very difficult financial situation to maintain the orchestra and hold concerts for many years to come. The reality is that it requires a huge amount of expenses every year, and cannot be covered by income from admission fees and performance fees alone. In order to maintain and operate the orchestra in a stable manner and develop its performance activities, it is essential to strengthen the financial base. We ask for your understanding of Gunkyo's activities and your warm support.
Gunma Symphony Orchestra was certified as a public interest incorporated foundation on April 25, 4.
Donations to the Gunma Symphony Orchestra, membership fees for supporting members (only if you select I), and donations made through support vending machines are eligible for preferential tax treatment.
*In order to apply, you must file a final tax return.
Donations by corporations are included in deductible expenses up to a certain limit depending on the corporation's capital and income. For donations to public interest incorporated foundations, etc., there is a separate deductible limit in addition to the deductible limit for general donations.
For corporate donations, there is a limit on the deductible amount up to the following amounts ① + ②.
① Maximum deductible amount for general donations
(Amount of capital etc. x 0.25% + Amount of income x 2.5%) x 1/4
②Limit for deductible amount of donations to public interest incorporated foundations, etc.
(Amount of capital etc. x 0.375% + Amount of income x 6.25%) x 1/2
Donations made by individuals are deducted from taxes or income as a deduction from income tax. You can choose whichever is more advantageous when filing your tax return.
《Income tax deduction》
① In case of tax deduction
The amount calculated using the following formula can be deducted from your income tax amount.
Tax deduction amount = (total donation amount – 2,000 yen) x 40%
*The tax deduction amount is limited to 25% of the income tax amount.
The total amount of donations is limited to 40% of the total income.
②In the case of income deduction
The amount calculated using the following formula can be deducted from your income.
Income deduction amount = total donation amount – 2,000 yen
Additionally, if you live in Gunma Prefecture, personal residence tax is also eligible for tax deduction.
For procedures and details, please contact your local tax office, prefecture, municipality, etc.
Gunma Symphony Orchestra Secretariat
9-1 Sakae-cho, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture 370-0841 Japan
☎ 027-322-4316